• Saturday, 22 February 2025

Trade Union of Air Traffic Controllers calls off planned strike

Trade Union of Air Traffic Controllers calls off planned strike

Skopje, 9 January 2024 (MIA) - Trade Union of Air Traffic Controllers has suspended the strike announced for tomorrow, which aimed to completely shut down air traffic. This decision comes after the government provided directives to the management board of national air navigation service provider M-NAV, instructing them to dismiss Fahrudin Hamidi, the M-NAV’s management board chair and the sector's executive director, Ljube Stamenkovski and to appoint Ilir Mehmedi and Milan Korakj in their respective positions.

Во објектот на контрола на летање на М-НАВ денеска биле нападнати вработени во контролата за летање. Како што објави на својот фејсбук профил претседателот на Струковиот синдикат на контролор

“After the government's decision, we are suspending the strike. This is a step forward. We will analyze the entire situation and developments, and if there is a positive implementation of the government's recommendations by the supervisory board, we will withdraw the strike decision,” Trade Union of Air Traffic Controllers leader Aleksandar Tasevski told MIA.

Earlier, the government at its Tuesday’s session has instructed the management board of the state-owned joint stock company national air navigation service provider M-NAV to dismiss Fahrudin Hamidi from the position of M-NAV management board and executive director and Ljube Stamenkovski from the position of management board member and executive director.

The government also recommended to the management board of the state-owned joint stock company national air navigation service provider M-NAV to appoint Ilir Mehmedi as the executive director in air navigation sector and Milan Korakj as the executive director in aviation engineering sector, reads the government's press release.

The government said it would discuss ways to resolve the situation in the M-NAV at its session scheduled for Jan. 9, including the dismissal of all managers and management board members, following the incident in which eight people, including Bekim Neziri, a former government minister, M-NAV executive advisor, and DUI branch president, broke into the air traffic control facility and attacked staff on Jan. 4.

As of today, the Financial Police Office is conducting inspections at M-NAV.

The Skopje Public Prosecutor's Office has issued an order to conduct an investigation against eight persons over suspicions they committed the crime of endangering air traffic safety, referencing Article 303, Paragraph 2 in connection with Article 22 from the Criminal Code.

Photo: MIA