• Sunday, 20 October 2024

Taravari: Incumbent government will continue to function

Taravari: Incumbent government will continue to function

New York, 25 September 2024 (MIA) – Health Minister Arben Taravari, who is also the leader of the Alliance of Albanians, has said that relations within the ruling coalition, led by VMRO-DPMNE and also consisted of Worth It and ZNAM, are decent, noting the incumbent government will continue to function.

According to him, the government has a long-term strategy, however ruling parties need to consult each other and synchronise more frequently, MIA reports from New York.

The minister is in New York to take part in the 79th UN General Assembly.

Taravari’s comments come after ruling MP Halil Snopche’s remarks that Worth It might quit the government if the veterans’ bill were to be passed and after PM Hristijan Mickoski wishing him good luck in case of Worth It leaving the ruling coalition.

“I’d say the relations between Worth It and VMRO-DPMNE are quite decent at the level of party leaders. There might have been a slight misunderstanding, but I cannot say the same for ZNAM and Worth It… We’ve been trying to be more synchronised these 100 days in office, but there have been disagreements because of a lack of coordination. It takes time to be completely synchronised and the citizens to see it,” Minister Taravari stated adding the citizens have huge expectations from the ruling majority.  

Not all election promises can be fulfilled in 100 days, he said adding there have been attempts for distractions, mainly in the Albanian political bloc, to divert attention from what has been accomplished in the past 100 days since the formation of the government.

A lot has been done, Taravari emphasized. 

“Yet, DUI somehow managed to defocus the public using all its resources, both financial and human,” he said adding the government should increase efforts to tell the public what was accomplished in the first 100 days and beyond.

Taravri called Snopche’s reaction about the veterans’ bill “spot on”, saying he hoped the ruling majority will settle “this minor issue” after coordinating. 

He accused DUI and SDSM of trying to undermine the coalition of the ruling majority with a SDSM MP sponsoring the amendments to the veterans’ bill, which has been amended five times since 2002.

As for the so called ‘balancer’ tool and the languages law, Taravari said the Constitutional Court shouldn’t have reviewed the cases now after being submitted almost five years ago. 

"One has to be stupid to believe that now is the right time for the Constitutional Court to raise these issues… We are generally in sync and have said that we need a law on equal representation of all categories of citizens living in the country. We will prepare a legislation to cover the space emptied with the annulment of the balancer,” stated Taravari, saying that all political parties are aware that the tool has been taken advantage of. 

Health Minister Taravari will deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly at a session on the resistance of antibacterial therapy on Thursday. Then, he will travel to Washington, where he will visit two universities where he will scan opportunities for cooperation of the faculties of medicine. 

Photo: MIA