• Saturday, 15 March 2025

Second protest march against air pollution in Skopje

Second protest march against air pollution in Skopje

Skopje, 28 December 2024 (MIA) - The second protest march against air pollution organized by the Zelen Human Grad (Green Humane City) joint initiative took place in Skopje on Saturday. Citizens marched from the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, via the Parliament and the Government, up to the City of Skopje.

Zelen Human Grad reiterated their four specific demands in the fiight against air pollution in Skopje.

"The first demand is continued monitoring of industrial facilities so that we know exactly who is polluting and how. Secondly, environment-friendly heating of public facilities. Third, giving priority to public transport and bicycles over cars, and last but not least, better waste management," said Gorjan Jovanovski of Zelen Human Grad.

In its announcement for the protest, ZHG said almost three weeks have passed since the first march, a fortnight since the demands were submitted and still no response from institutions, asking "Whom do they serve? There can be no health without clean air! Hospitals are filling up and we are bleeding money in pharmacies."

Meanwhile, parties have blamed each other for the polluted air, with opposition SDSM saying six months have passed since VMRO-DPMNE assumed power, but failed to take responsibility and serious steps, leaving citizens on their own.

VMRO-DPMNE responded that SDSM failed to reduce air pollution "by at least one percent" during their seven years in power.

According to UNICEF data, 11.6 percent of infant deaths in the country is linked to air pollution, meaning that one in nine children under one dies due to air pollution.

Photo: MIA