• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Schools to have textbooks shortly after school year starts, education ministry sources expect

Schools to have textbooks shortly after school year starts, education ministry sources expect

Skopje, 17 August 2023 (MIA) — Elementary schools nationwide should be supplied with third-grade and sixth-grade textbooks shortly after the start of the 2023-24 school year, Ministry of Education and Science sources told MIA, adding that until the textbooks were delivered, third-grade and sixth-grade students would be using digital teaching materials.


"The textbooks for third grade are at a more advanced stage of preparation and approval compared to those for the sixth grade. We expect all textbooks for these two grades to be approved and delivered soon after the start of the new school year. Until then, teaching materials produced by the Bureau for Development of Education will be available for use in electronic form," the sources said.


The new third-grade and sixth-grade textbooks in the works are part of the national education reform being implemented in stages. 


На конкурсот за ангажирање надворешни соработници во Бирото за развој на образованието за изработка на наставни програми, согласно со наставниот план од новата Концепција за основно образован


Textbooks for the first, second, fourth and fifth grades developed over the past few years in line with the new curricula have already been printed and will be available at the start of the 2023-34 school year. The only exception is the History and Civics textbook for the fifth grade, which has been withdrawn due to errors.


Seventh, eighth and ninth grades will still be using textbooks from the old curriculum, the sources said.


Изборот на наставници во Математичко-информатичката гимназија (МИГ) е извршен согласно критериуми за избор на стручни лица и само еден од наставниците кои досега беа ангажирани во училиштето


"We are making every effort for students to have the basic tools for mastering the teaching material in every single subject. The new school year has been significantly more prepared compared to the past years," the Ministry of Education and Science sources said.


"Students, parents and teachers should be calm and free of the worries they had in the past years regarding the supply of textbooks, teaching and visual aids, and learning conditions," they added. mr/