Rokas: Constitutional changes are a fact, we should give a chance to diplomatic activities
- The constitutional amendments are a fact. We are aware that the current Government wants to solve this issue with certain guarantees and assurances there won’t be a bilateralization of the process. I believe we should give space to the diplomatic activity that is underway and not lose focus, the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia, Michalis Rokas, told MRT in an interview Friday.

Skopje, 14 February 2025 (MIA) - The constitutional amendments are a fact. We are aware that the current Government wants to solve this issue with certain guarantees and assurances there won’t be a bilateralization of the process. I believe we should give space to the diplomatic activity that is underway and not lose focus, the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia, Michalis Rokas, told MRT in an interview Friday.
In the interview, Rokas said the enlargement process is merit-based and the Copenhagen Criteria and the EU acquis include the rights of minorities. Regarding the constitutional amendments, the Ambassador noted they are a fact and a commitment accepted unanimously by the EU’s member states and North Macedonia.
“As I said in my previous answer, we know that this is something that the current Government would like to bring with some guarantees and some assessments that there is not going to be any bilateralization of the process. We understand that, but also the EU leadership has already spoken against bilateralization of the process. But, with that said, we all know what the commitments are, and I previously referred to the diplomatic activity which is ongoing, so I believe we need to give space to diplomacy to bear its fruits and at the same time we should not lose focus because the momentum is here, the opportunity is here, the funds are there. So we really need to make sure that we really press the foot on the accelerator, non-stop, on the reforms that need to be done, because you would agree with me that these reforms, through the reform agenda or the growth plan, they are necessary, and this is what the citizens in the country are all waiting for,” Rokas said.
The Ambassador said he fully understands the citizens’ frustration after waiting for 20 years, but stressed the current situation is different due to the momentum surrounding EU enlargement.
“Firstly, we have a new momentum of enlargement. Geostrategic imperatives made it that the enlargement is a must, something that must happen, this was not always the case. Besides that, we have the EU’s growth plan and the related reform agenda. This is a way that the gradual integration of North Macedonia to the EU is going to happen, especially the internal market. But also we have what our President Ursula von der Leyen said when she came to Skopje, I think three months ago, when she gave a message of hope. On the one hand she referred to the fact that there is still one obstacle to overcome, the constitutional changes to which the country has committed to implement, but that she is certain that through common work, dialogue and cooperation we are going to overcome this obstacle,” Rokas said.
Ambassador Rokas said he is convinced that the country’s EU integration process will be successful and noted the benefits of EU accession.
Rokas also commended the country for its full alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Photo: MIA/Screenshot