• Sunday, 06 October 2024

PM on constitutional amendments: Interests of citizens and future generations should come first

PM on constitutional amendments: Interests of citizens and future generations should come first
Skopje, 15 November 2022 (MIA) – Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski reiterated his position on the constitutional amendments on Tuesday, saying that it is not a government decision, but a decision for the citizens and for the country and that everyone should put the interests of the citizens and future generations above their personal political interests. “If someone has chosen to isolate himself and at the same time isolate his political party, he cannot and does not have the right to isolate the entire country. Ahead of us we have decisions which will bring us closer to full-fledged EU membership. And after these decisions there will be more difficult decisions because the reforms are not simple. These are reforms that all EU member states have carried out. However, through these reforms, through such decisions, they have managed to build a better society,” said Kovachevski at the joint press conference with MEP and Leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Iratxe García Pérez. He said that the citizens are moving to EU member states because of better wages and a better standard of living. “Check the living standard of the countries which were a part of the Warsaw Pact until 1990 and compare them to the standards in these countries now. This is the kind of Macedonia I want, because when it becomes an EU member it will have proud citizens who will be able to live in an EU member state at home, not abroad. This is the decision that lies before the MPs. This is the decision they have to make,” said Kovachevski. Asked whether the process of constitutional amendments is intensifying and if any negotiations are taking place, Kovachevski mentioned the leaders’ meeting, which two parties did not participate in. “I already had a leaders’ meeting with the leaders of all political parties. Two political parties did not attend and I will reiterate – the greatest danger to our EU accession lies in a single political party which has an anti-European, anti-NATO and anti-integrational policy when it comes to Western Europe. This is Levica and its leader Dimitar Apasiev. They are keeping VMRO-DPMNE and its leader hostage, because he is weak, without a position, without a vision and we, the politicians who want to see the country as part of the EU, the citizens who want a better future for ourselves, our children, the future generations, must not allow our policy to be created by political pyromaniacs like these who have no vision whatsoever for the country,” said Kovachevski at the press conference. ad/sk/