• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Pirc Musar: Necessary to adopt constitutional amendments, waiting neither good for EU nor for North Macedonia

Pirc Musar: Necessary to adopt constitutional amendments, waiting neither good for EU nor for North Macedonia

Skopje, 13 June 2023 (MIA) - I expect the process of North Macedonia's EU accession to continue with no further delays. It is necessary to take another important step in Skopje, i.e. to adopt constitutional amendments, and align North Macedonia's legislation with that of the EU as soon as possible. Reforms bring changes, as well as progress, Slovenian President Nataša Pirc Musar told MPs in Skopje on Tuesday.  


According to Pirc Musar, waiting is neither good for the European Union nor for North Macedonia. 


"We, the European countries, have shown unity and solidarity. We offered help to Ukraine, and North Macedonia also offered help and support. North Macedonia supported the EU's positions and views. It showed alignment with the EU's common foreign and security policy. Slovenia appreciates the Macedonian support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian nation," Pirc Musar said.


She added that when North Macedonia joins the EU, the Macedonian language will become an official language, and nurturing it will be a priority not only for North Macedonia, but for the entire integration.


"North Macedonia is a country whose economy is strongly intertwined with the European countries. It is a country in which young people participate in programs that encourage exchange with peers from other countries. A country which significantly contributes to the security and stability in the region. A country that can and is capable of getting to work when it’s most necessary. North Macedonia is a NATO member. A responsible ally that shares the same views on many future challenges, global and European," the Slovenian President added.


After joining the EU, Pirc Musar pointed out, Slovenia begun to quickly reduce the gap of lagging behind the most developed countries. From 1991 until 2021, the real GNP in Slovenia has increased by 91 percent per capita.


"All the while, we were not afraid of uncertainty. Self-confidence and trust in the vision were more important, we focused on what was more important for Slovenia in the long-term. That was also the case with the change in the Constitution. By changing Article 68 of the Constitution, we made it possible for foreigners from all EU member states to own real estate. At the time, Slovenians feared that foreigners would buy our land, but that did not happen. The EU respects the language and identity diversity," Pirc Musar said. 


Pirc Musar noted that today the Slovenian language is an official language in the EU, and the Slovenian identity is part of the European identity.


"The Slovenian language is an official language in the EU, and the Slovenian identity is part of the European identity, as your identity is part of the European identity. All meetings in Brussels are interpreted in Slovenian. Our MEPs can address their colleagues in Slovenian at any time. MEPs from North Macedonia and Government representatives will be able to do so as well. The path to the EU is difficult and full of challenges. North Macedonia is putting in effort and the results are visible," Pirc Musar told the MPs. ssh/nn/


Photo: Print screen