• Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Parliamentary Committee sets up inter-party parliamentary group on rights of one-parent families and single parents

Parliamentary Committee sets up inter-party parliamentary group on rights of one-parent families and single parents

Skopje, 5 February 2024 (MIA) - The Parliamentary Committee on Equal Opportunities among Women and Men held a consultative meeting on Monday, establishing and promoting an Inter-Party Parliamentary Group on the Rights of One-Parent Families and Single Parents, the Parliament said in a press release.


"This body in the Parliament will engage and strive to promote the status of one-parent families, single parents, girls and women from marginalized groups. Its work priorities include providing efficient and effective legal and institutional mechanisms for protection against discrimination, violence and hate speech based on family structure, improving educational policies and programs, promoting the rights of this group of people and enabling a dignified life," reads the press release. 


The initiative for the establishment of the inter-party parliamentary group comes from the Association of One-Parent Families "One Can" from Skopje and the Network for gender equality, prevention of violence, fight against discrimination and advocating for the improvement of the status of single parents "UnitedFem", with the support of fifty MPs - signatories of the request.


Doroti Pachkova from the "One Can" Association said the establishment of the inter-party parliamentary group will enable laws to be in the service of female citizens. According to her, the strength of a nation lies in the empowerment of all its female citizens, and this sends a message that the voice of single mothers is important, and together we will build a society in which every one of them will have the opportunity to develop, adds the press release. 


Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Equal Opportunities among Women and Men, Gordana Siljanovska - Davkova, expressed her satisfaction with finally establishing the inter-party parliamentary group and proposed MP Eli Panova as its chair, and MP Marija Kostadinova as vice-chair, which was unanimously accepted by those present.


Panova pointed out that the establishment of the group may be late, but it has been necessary as we live in an insufficiently mature society, and is now happening to prove that progress can be made.


Kostadinova pledged joint efforts, dedication and fight for this group of citizens. 


Photo: Parliament's press service