• Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Parliament Speaker Xhaferi extends Army Day greeting

Parliament Speaker Xhaferi extends Army Day greeting
Skopje, 18 August 2022 (MIA) – Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi on Thursday wished Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski, Chief of the Army General Staff, and the members of the Army, a happy Army Day, August 18. “On behalf of the Parliament of North Macedonia and on my own behalf, I’d like to wish you a happy August 18, Army Day of North Macedonia to you, the soldiers of all ranks, the civil servants in the Army and all citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia,” Xhaferi’s message said. It emphasizes that, in the 30 years of its existence, the Army and its members has selflessly dedicated itself to its noble task – the preservation and securing of the integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of North Macedonia, contributing every day to the country’s security and stability. “The professionalism you show on a daily basis is commendable and worthy to make an example of, and that’s why the citizens immensely trust the capacities and readiness of the Army’s members. I had the honor and privilege to be part of it and contribute to the realization of our country’s Euro-Atlantic goals as an Army officer, deputy Minister and Minister of Defense, periods of my career I am proud to look back on,” Xhaferi said. He emphasized that the Army’s dedication has been recognized worldwide, through equal participation in international peacemaking missions, the Army’s successful cooperation during the migrant crisis, all the way to our country’s long-awaited NATO membership in 2020, securing the Army its well-earned place as an active guardian of world peace. dk/ba/