Parliament elects Verification Committee
- The constitutive session of the new Parliament kicked off on Tuesday, chaired by the oldest MP, Merita Kolçi-Koxhaxhiku. At the session, MPs elected the Verification Committee, after which a recess was given for the Committee to meet.
- Post By Angel Dimoski
- 13:25, 28 May, 2024

Skopje, 28 May 2024 (MIA) - The constitutive session of the new Parliament kicked off on Tuesday, chaired by the oldest MP, Merita Kolçi-Koxhaxhiku. At the session, MPs elected the Verification Committee, after which a recess was given for the Committee to meet.
The session was attended by President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi, the ministers in the caretaker Government, representatives of state institutions and the diplomatic corps.
The MPs elected Dafina Stojanovska as chair of the Verification Committee, and Blagica Lasovska, Daniela Nikolova, Dijana Toska and Bekim Sali as its members. Out of the 117 present MPs, 100 voted on the motion with 94 voting in favor, 6 against and no abstentions.
Borislav Krmov from Levica, whose MPs voted against the motion, spoke about the fact that two members of the Verification Committee are from the same political party, which, he said, is contrary to the Rules of Procedure, according to which members of different political parties should be represented in the Committee, noting that one of the members should be from Levica, as the fourth-biggest party in Parliament.
In response, Kolçi-Koxhaxhiku said the members were chosen and agreed at a coordination between the party whips of all political parties.
At the beginning of the session, Kolçi-Koxhaxhiku named MPs Halil Snopçe and Bekim Sali as her deputies as chair of the constitutive session.
After the recess, Parliament is expected to resume with the verification of the mandates of the new MPs; the election of members of the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues; and the election of Parliament Speaker.
According to the new Rules of Procedure, the constitutive session lasts a maximum of three days, and the Parliament is constituted by the election of Speaker, with Worth It coalition’s Afrim Gashi expected to be nominated for this position.
Photo: MIA