Osmani: DUI to support government without party being part of it on day constitutional amendments enter into force
- DUI confirmed late Saturday it accepted the prerequisites leading to the constitutional revision and the European Union accession negotiations.
- Post By Ivan Kolekevski
- 10:46, 11 June, 2023

Tetovo, 10 June 2023 (MIA) - DUI confirmed late Saturday it accepted the prerequisites leading to the constitutional revision and the European Union accession negotiations.
DUI spokesperson Bujar Osmani said after the presidency session they analyzed the meeting of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski with VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, with the latter saying he would accept a broad government without DUI in it, a demand DUI swiftly accepted.
"First, this is due to the historic moment that our country is facing - fast EU membership - primarily resulting from the geopolitical developments related to the war in Ukraine, the Union's awareness regarding the Western Balkans, and the people's need for a better living standard and keeping them in the country. The central presidency reaffirmed the initial decision we presented right after the meeting of the party leaders - DUI is prepared to leave the Government on the day the constitutional amendments enter into force, if this is the prerequisite for the opposition to support the revision," said Osmani.
DUI has requested that another process takes place in parallel.
"This is the start of the vetting process and investigation of all political parties, starting from the leaders and down to the last party representative, including MPs and other officials, so that we put an end to this abuse of the fight against corruption for partisan purposes. We believe this process is very important in creating an environment of trust," added Osmani.
Photo: MIA