• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

One week into presidential campaign, candidates continue presenting election platforms

One week into presidential campaign, candidates continue presenting election platforms

Skopje, 10 April 2024 (MIA) - After one week of the presidential election campaign, the candidates continue to hold rallies and meetings with citizens on Wednesday, presenting their election platforms.

The presidential candidate supported by SDSM and the coalition, Stevo Pendarovski, is to continue today with meetings with residents of Demir Kapija, Gradsko, and Rosoman. The incumbent president will also address rallies in Negotino and Kavadarci.

VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova will continue her rallies today in Vasilevo, Bosilovo, Radovish, and Strumica.

Levica presidential candidate Biljana Vankovska is set to present election platform and to meet locals in Karposh as well as to open party’s office on Lisiche settlement.

Државната изборна комисија на денешната седница ќе го разгледа и усвои Извештајот на ДИК за преземените работи согласно член 153-а од Изборниот законик, за прифаќање на остатокот од мандатот

ZNAM Movement presidential candidate Maksim Dimitrievski is to meet locals of Lozovo, Sveti Nikole and will visit Shtip to address the municipal party’s HQ.

The focal points of Tuesday's rallies by the presidential candidates were constitutional amendments, with some also touching upon negotiations with the European Union and the opening of new markets.

Photo: MIA