• Wednesday, 12 March 2025

New pediatric unit opens at Bit Pazar Polyclinic

New pediatric unit opens at Bit Pazar Polyclinic

Skopje, 14 February 2025 (MIA) - A new pediatric unit has opened at the Bit Pazar Polyclinic for treatment of mild cases of illness in children up to 14 years of age. The pediatric unit will work in 7:30 pm to 7:30 am shifts Monday through Saturday and a 24-hour shift on Sundays. 

A total of 11 pediatricians from the Health Center - Skopje will be providing health services at the Bit Pazar unit. In addition to a pediatrician, the pediatric unit's team will also include a nurse and a laboratory technician.  

"General examinations, laboratory tests and all that is essential for establishing an initial diagnosis will be performed, and appropriate therapy will be given. The pediatric unit has been fully renovated, equipped with new medical furniture and inventory, as well as the necessary medical equipment," said Health Center - Skopje director Samir Iseni, who visited the polyclinic on Friday alongside Minister of Health Arben Taravari. 

Taravari noted that more severe cases will be immediately referred to the University Clinic for Pediatric Diseases.

"This is a problem that was evident. Two or three months ago, I called the directors of the Health Center and the Pediatric Clinic for talks. We had to find a solution for the large part of children at the Pediatric Clinic, to have those with milder symptoms treated at the Health Center, and we are promoting that today. The idea was for early February, but it is not too late now. In fact, 11 pediatricians working at the Health Center - Skopje will be providing health services, and all children with mild cases of illness, from 0 to 14 years of age, who need primary and secondary healthcare, will have access. More severe cases will be immediately referred to the Pediatric Clinic," the Minister said. 

According to him, efforts will be made to open such units at other Skopje polyclinics if there is capacity and at least 6 to 7 pediatricians ready to agree on taking shifts. However, he noted, it is good that the process has started because it was urgent to start from somewhere.

The Minister also announced other projects.

Jemi të gatshëm të bisedojmë për gjithçka, për pakon e masave me të cilat do t'i zgjidhim të gjitha çështjet e mbetura nga e kaluara, tha sot ministri i Shëndetësisë, nga Koalicioni VLEN, Arb

"I hope that in 15 days we will launch a fully renovated floor at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, and a fully renovated Urology Clinic. Work is also underway on intensive internist care at the Toxicology Clinic, but we will need a little more time for that," said Taravari. 

Health Center - Skopje head Iseni noted that the institution is understaffed with specialists, neurologists, dermatologists, as well as emergency unit teams. 

"We are in contact with the Ministry of Health, several hirings are planned so as to meet the needs of citizens. We have a shortage of neurologists, dermatologists, and the emergency unit teams are also understaffed," said Iseni. 

Photo/video: MIA