• Friday, 27 September 2024

Mucunski: Our NATO membership contributes to stronger collective security

Mucunski: Our NATO membership contributes to stronger collective security

Brussels, 19 September 2024 (MIA) — Our NATO membership is a long-term strategic commitment and contributes to the strengthening of collective security, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Timcho Mucunski said in his remarks at a reception organized Wednesday at the Brussels NATO headquarters to mark the country's Independence Day, Sept. 8, MIA's Brussels correspondent reports.

FM Mucunski spoke about the challenges the country was facing on its European path. He said commitment to implementing reforms was essential to the country's reaching EU standards.

On the country's EU membership prospects, Mucunski said integrating the countries of the Western Balkans into the bloc was important not only for the country's stability but also for the stability of the entire region.

In his remarks, Mucunski reiterated the state's strong support for Ukraine, adding that the country, as a responsible partner, remained committed to the common values ​​of the Alliance and to global peacekeeping efforts.

The top Macedonian diplomat is in Brussels as part of a government delegation led by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski and including Minister of European Affairs Orhan Murtezani on a working visit to the Belgian capital.

During the visit, Prime Minister Mickoski will attend a working lunch organized by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for leaders of the Western Balkans.

The PM will also have meetings with EU Council President Charles Michel, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, and Director-General of the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations Gert Jan Koopman. mr/