Mickoski: We offered plan for a way out of energy crisis, expect Government to accept it

Skopje, 4 October 2022 (MIA) – We have to work hard in the coming period to overcome all problems we are facing, because the initial scenario of having all three REK Bitola blocs operational, alongside the REK Oslomej bloc, the two turbines in Negotino, a solid hydro-potential and the cogeneration power plant TE-TO is proving to be difficult, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski after a meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Tuesday.
“We are prepared to put at disposal all contacts we have. We will get in touch right after this meeting and then refer them to Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi, who PM Kovachevski designated as the contact point. This would mitigate this uncertainty that the country, the citizens and the economy are in, namely through the procurement of cheap resources that result in cheap electricity or rather one that is cheaper from the one on the stock markets,” Mickoski told reporters.
He said they put forward a proposal on securing a significantly cheaper resource for thermal power plant Negotino, leading to an electricity price that would be twice as lower than the market one.
“That electricity would be directed at the economy, so that thousands of jobs are saved and because companies cannot afford the current electricity prices,” said Mickoski.
The opposition party also proposed a resource for electricity and heating production of cogeneration plant TE-TO, as well as the concept of transferring all public utility enterprises onto the regulated market.
“If these resources are secured, I claim that Macedonia will not have to import electricity, assuming that the Government’s initial scenario is operational, meaning that all three REK Bitola blocs are working, alongside the REK Oslomej bloc, the two turbines in Negotino, a solid hydro-potential and TE-TO. If this fails to materialize, then the Government’s approach lacks seriousness and VMRO-DPMNE will do everything in its power to help the citizens and the economy through the coming autumn and winter, which are rather difficult and challenging,” said Mickoski.