Mickoski: Bulgaria must show good will, international community to demonstrate it truly wants us
- The topic of constitutional amendments is closed. There is no argument I have heard on the domestic political scene and from the international community that will persuade us to the contrary, says VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski.

Skopje, 4 October 2023 (MIA) - The topic of constitutional amendments is closed. There is no argument I have heard on the domestic political scene and from the international community that will persuade us to the contrary, says VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski.
"When it comes to the constitutional changes under these conditions, which we have called Bulgarian dictate, VMRO-DPMNE and its MPs are not doing this out of spite or because we want to obstruct the Government. There is no argument on the domestic political scene and from the international community that will dissuade us," Mickoski told Sitel.
He says the thesis that failure to adopt the constitutional amendments would result in the country blocking itself on the European path is "stupid and crazy".
"This is both stupid and crazy because the ones who accepted this agreement without consulting the main political option in the country and the people put veto on themselves, and now they are unable to deliver. This is the trio Pendarovski-Kovachevski-Osmani," says Mickoski.
On Bulgaria, the VMRO-DPMNE leader says it must show good will, while the international community must demonstrate it truly wants to see the country as their member.
"Bulgaria must show good will while the international community must demonstrate it truly wants to see the country as their member after all it has done as a loyal EU ally, giving up on many national attributes that tapped into the Macedonian identity, something that no other country had done before. No one can convince me there is no way for Bulgaria to show good will. I believe discussions on this topic will change just by telling the country its access to the European funds would not be simple," says Mickoski.
According to him, if Sofia fails to observe decisions by European institutions, such as the European Court of Human Rights' rulings on Macedonians in Bulgaria, then what is the guarantee that veto will not be put to the protocol's ratification.