• Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Marichikj: Committed to speeding up reforms and fully aligning with EU in taxation field

Marichikj: Committed to speeding up reforms and fully aligning with EU in taxation field
Skopje, 21 October 2022 (MIA) – The Government and institutions are working to speed up reforms and prepare our taxation system to join the one of the Union, Deputy PM for European Affairs and Chief Negotiator with the EU, Bojan Marichikj, told the explanatory screening meeting on Chapter 16 – Taxation, in Brussels on Friday. “We are committed to speeding up reforms in the taxation field, for the purpose of its full alignment with European regulations and standards, and preparation of the Macedonian society for full-fledged EU membership,” said Deputy PM Marichikj, who was accompanied at the meeting by Public Revenue Office Director Sonja Lukarevska. He said there is progress in reducing the administrative burden on taxpayers and the procedure of VAT return, but efforts are required on the capacities of the tax administration and ensuring effective automatic exchange of tax information with EU member-states, the Secretariat for European Affairs said in a press release. Marichikj referred to the important steps undertaken in the field and the strengthening of national legislation and operational capacities, highlighting the Strategy for Tax System Reform 2021-2025 that encompasses fair taxation, collection of revenues, tax transparency, service quality and green taxation. On administrative cooperation and mutual support, the Government has signed 49 agreements on elimination of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion, 24 of which with EU member-states. As member of the inclusive framework to prevent base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), North Macedonia has taken measures against tax evasion and commitment to meeting the minimum standards, “The Multilateral Convention to implement tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS was signed in 2020 and ratification will follow in the coming months,” noted Marichikj. The explanatory screening on Cluster 3 – Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth ends later today with the meeting on Chapter 25 – Science and Research.