Interdepartmental body for coordinating anti-corruption activities holds first session
- The interdepartmental body for coordinating anti-corruption activities, which was formed following a government decision in order to strengthen cooperation between competent institutions for the purpose of advancing policies and mechanisms for preventing and dealing with corruption, held its first official session on Thursday.

Skopje, 16 November 2023 (MIA) - The interdepartmental body for coordinating anti-corruption activities, which was formed following a government decision in order to strengthen cooperation between competent institutions for the purpose of advancing policies and mechanisms for preventing and dealing with corruption, held its first official session on Thursday.
The constitutive session was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister in charge of good governance policies, Slavica Grkovska, the Government said in a press release.
"During the session, remarks made by members regarding the Rules of Procedure were reviewed in detail and adopted unanimously. Determining the Rules of Procedure in order to ensure transparency and inclusivity during its work, the members accepted Grkovska's proposal, during the public session, joined by observers, to include representatives from civil society organizations that are also active in this field," the press release adds.
The members of the interdepartmental body agreed that an accelerated work dynamic is needed, and at the next session that will be held in two weeks’ time, they will give concrete suggestions based on the European Commission's latest report related to corruption, for a more effective implementation of the National Strategy for the prevention of corruption and conflict of interests.
The body is made up of representatives from the Public Prosecutor's Office, Judicial Council, Council of Public Prosecutors, State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, State Audit Office, Cabinet of the Deputy PM in charge of good governance policies, Interior Ministry, Justice Ministry, Finance Ministry, Ministry of Information Society and Administration, Financial Police Office, Customs Administration, Public Revenue Office, Financial Intelligence Office, Agency for Management of Forfeited Property, Secretariat for European Affairs and delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia in the Council of Europe-Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). ssh/sk
Photo: Government of the Republic of North Macedonia