I'd be irresponsible to reject a proposal in which our demands are met, says Marichikj

Skopje, 4 July 2022 (MIA) - It'd be pity for both the country and future generations if we missed this moment believing we might be given a better proposal in the future. It'd be irresponsible to reject a proposal in which our demands have been met hoping we'd be offered another one. On the contrary, any delay wasting time paves the way for new political developments on daily basis, Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Marichikj said Monday after a meeting in Skopje with his Finnish and Irish counterparts, Tytti Tuppurainen and Thomas Byrne respectively.
Now's the time for serious and sensible discussion that would guide us to the desired goal - opening of negotiations, said Marichjik, who is in charge of European affairs.
The more we prolong the process, the more difficult it would be for a settlement to be found, he noted.
"Regardless of what the decision will be of the government regarding the French proposal, full-fledged membership into the EU remains our strategic goal and we remain fully committed to reform implementation," Marichikj told the news conference.
It is our job in the next few days, he stressed, through an inclusive social process to decide whether we will end the labyrinth we've been stuck in for almost two decades by reviewing the proposal, a safeguard of our national interests and our red lines, or we will start a long deadlock that has always produced new challenges and new problems.
"I expect my colleagues to continue to help us and to advocate for the EU enlargement policy in order to become more credible, more predictable and more dynamic, the Deputy PM said.
North Macedonia with Finland and Ireland, Marichikj continued, after today's visit will continue to strengthen the friendship and to seek ways to increase bilateral cooperation.
"I believe that wise and sensible statesman-like policies will prevail over destruction, disinformation and external influence. I believe very soon we will seal our country's European destiny with a decision that means prosperity, development, progress, transformation, reform and Europeanisation of the country where Macedonians speaking Macedonian live," he stressed.
Following a 18-year marathon to open negotiations with the EU, the top government official said, the country has a historic chance to start negotiating without any new delays after having the Macedonian language and the Macedonian identity protected.
"A proposal has been finally tabled that opens a real opportunity to become a full-fledged member of the European family as Macedonians speaking Macedonian language," Marichikj said referring to the French proposal.
According to him, to protect security and stability in Europe is of key importance amid the ongoing geopolitical developments.
"North Macedonia supports the NATO open door policy. I sincerely hope that the membership of Finland and Sweden will become a reality and you have our full support," Deputy PM Marichikj concluded.