• Friday, 28 June 2024

Government to hold first session, to discuss report on higher pensions

Government to hold first session, to discuss report on higher pensions

Skopje, 28 June 2024 (MIA) - The Government will hold its first session on Friday and discuss the report on higher pensions as of September.

The project's framework was finalized at yesterday's meeting of Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski with Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrievska Kochovska and Minister of Social Policy, Demography and Youth, Fatmir Limani.

Mickoski wrote in a Facebook post the increase is a pre-election promise for pensioners.

"Our word is sacred, a pledge and responsibility. The state must take care of its senior citizens. In cooperation with Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrievska Kochoska and Minister of Social Policy, Demography and Youth, Fatmir Limani, we are working hard on finding an urgent solution that will bring higher pensions for 300,000 pensioners. This exceptionally important solution that we promised at the elections will be discussed at a Government session, thus demonstrating our commitment to deliver results for all," says Mickoski.

He said earlier in the week that two linear pension increases of Mden 2,500 (EUR 40) each would most probably take place in September and March of next year, with the first one to be incorporated in the budget revision set for late July.

Photo: MIA and Government