• Sunday, 02 February 2025

Economic miracle possible only if country joins EU: panel

Economic miracle possible only if country joins EU: panel

Skopje, 23 January 2024 (MIA) - Structural and systemic solutions for our country to move toward the EU have been set. It is important that citizens know what it means to be in favor of EU or to hesitate about this option, because EU membership is crucial for the growth of a small and open economy. Our economic miracle is possible only when we join the EU, heard a panel within conference "Year of European Opportunities", hosted by the Government on Tuesday.

Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi referred to the structural changes and the support in the amount of EUR 100 million for 919 domestic companies since 2017, resulting in investments worth half a billion euros.

"The second systemic aspect we started to work on is to create a vision for the next two decades. We are nearing the completion of the National Development Strategy, which the Government is set to approve this month, followed by the Parliament's adoption. After 27 years, we will have an umbrella strategy that will give a clear vision for our country in the next 20 years. Of course, the Euro-integration process is incorporated in this strategy because the Union accession goal is set for 2030," said Deputy PM Bytyqi.

According to him, the strategy focuses on six development areas: innovative, sustainable and competitive economy; cohesive local and regional development; demographic revitalization; socio-cultural progress; rule of law and good governance; and green transformation.

Deputy PM for European Affairs and EU Chief Negotiator Bojan Marichikj said the last couple of years could be assessed as the most successful in the Euro-integration field since 2005, considering that the accession negotiations were launched in 2022, followed by a successful 15-month screening process.

"We completed the first stage of the accession negotiations. The European machine is turned on, it now depends on us, of this 2024 as the year of opportunities, whether this machine will stop or move forward and reach the EU by 2030. I am certain that we will move on and get to where we want to be and what we have been working for over the past 30 years," said Marichikj.

He added that the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans has come as a result of the Russian aggression, as EU's stimulus for candidates and their demands for benefits ahead of Union membership.

Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi said the country is currently getting about EUR 150 per capita from European funds, whereas new members get 20 times more from the structural funds, even 30 times more if one considers the European budget as well.

Minister Besimi said it is important that citizens know what it means to be in favor of EU or to hesitate about this option, because EU membership is crucial for the growth of a small and open economy.

"Compared to countries that have gone through this so-called 'economic miracle', the common denominator is the market, the human capital, education, investments, strong institutions and favorable business environment. Our economic miracle is possible only when we join the EU. This is how economy works and science has confirmed it," said Besimi.

Panel sessions at conference "Year of European Opportunities" tackle Government policies and measures undertaken in 2023, with a focus on European integration as the key process in 2024.

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