• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Domestic violence affects all of society, institutional cooperation is needed

Domestic violence affects all of society, institutional cooperation is needed

Skopje, 27 June 2023 (MIA) - In 2022, 1,117 cases of domestic violence were reported, 942 were women, wives, mothers or daughters, and of the total reported perpetrators, 1,061 were men. According to Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, this shows the need for joint institutional action and measures that will prevent domestic violence.

While attending the final meeting on the topic "Together for a quick solution to domestic violence and violence against women," on Tuesday, Minister Spasovski noted that domestic violence has negative consequences, not only within families, but society as a whole.

"These past few years we have been presented with global and national ideas and solutions for the protection of women, preventing domestic violence, and preventing more serious crimes, such as sexual violence and exploitation. Everything that was not really talked about and acted upon two decades ago is now the focus and a priority issue of public and institutional interest," said Spasevski.

Minister Spasovski stressed that protection, detection, and prevention of such crime will continue to be a matter of coordinated and layered inter-institutional arrangement, which also includes the participation of civil society, such as the National Council for Gender Equality.

Deputy-Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Enver Hüseyin, stated that domestic violence requires a complex approach and must not be accepted as justified behavior under any circumstance.

Hüseyin added that North Macedonia has established a stable system, and is taking all necessary measures, while also expressing satisfaction that this topic is frequently being discusses publically.

Deputy Minister of Justice Viktorija Avramovska Madikj stated that the Ministry is planning on recommending activities for court proceedings and offering free legal aid.

Deputy Coordinator at the National Council for Gender Equality, Martina Stankovikj, pointed out that the cooperation between stakeholders is good, but that there is room for improvement.

"While we do have cross-sectorial cooperation, it is not enough. It is necessary to check how the protocol for mutual cooperation is applied in practice, to speed up the process of solving cases with institutions taking action alongside, to avoid re-victimization, and creating a modern electronic software for tracking cases. We also need to work with elementary schools in order to recognize and prevent violence," Stankovikj said. ssh/ik/