• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

Criminal Court rejects Nake Georgiev's appeal against detention 

Criminal Court rejects Nake Georgiev's appeal against detention 

Skopje, 23 May 2024 (MIA) — Skopje's Criminal Court's Department for Prosecuting Organized Crime and Corruption criminal council has rejected Supreme Judge Nake Georgiev's appeal against his 30-day detention.

The council rejected the appeal  submitted by his defense as unfounded and confirmed the detention order issued by a pre-trial judge on May 21.

The 30-day detention order is based on Article 165 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Criminal Procedure, a press release from the Criminal Court said.


Судија на претходна постапка при Основниот кривичен суд Скопје, постапувајќи по предлог на Основното јавно обвинителство за гонење организиран криминал и корупција, му определи мерка притвор


Nakev's defense can appeal the decision before the Appellate Court in Skopje.


Previously, at the request of the Primary Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, a pre-trial judge ordered 30-day detention for Georgiev over suspicions of bribery under Article 359 of the Criminal Code.


Prosecutors launched a probe against Georgiev after his arrest on Monday when he was caught in the act and stripped of his judicial immunity.


Me propozim të Prokurorisë Themelore Publike për ndjekje të krimit të organizuar dhe korrupsionit, gjykatësi në procedurë paraprake nga Gjykata Themelore Penale -Shkup sot i ka caktuar masën


The court also ordered precautionary measures against Council of Public Prosecutors member Ixhet Memeti under suspicions of bribery.

Charged with “accepting a reward for unlawful influence,” Memeti is prohibited from leaving his place of residence, will have his travel documents seized and will have to appear in court when summoned. mr/