• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Bytyqi wants focus on cooperation and mutual support in broader region

Bytyqi wants focus on cooperation and mutual support in broader region
Athens, 25 November 2022 (MIA) – In a time of global crisis we must focus not only on distant countries but also our region and our neighbors, on fostering peaceful relations, trust and cooperation, building bridges, living together, said Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi in his online remarks at the Circle the Med Forum 2022 on Friday, MIA reports from Athens. Deputy PM Bytyqi referred to the importance of the Mediterranean region and cooperation among countries from the area and noted that the war in Ukraine has demonstrated the dependency of imports from both Ukraine and Russia leading to price hikes, while adding “we can work together on the development of our own strategy for sustainable food by using modern technology and with EU’s assistance, making the region more independent.” “Some Mediterranean countries have shown this is possible if innovations are placed before populism and politics. Renewable energy, possibilities for food production and tourism, plus all other options for economic development can lead to a positive outcome. We have to seize the moment and start building our common future,” said Bytyqi. The Deputy PM said that regardless of the infrastructure that is built – roads, highways, electricity grids, gas pipelines – it is important to look at this from a regional perspective, not individually. He highlighted North Macedonia’s steps towards regional cooperation through the signed agreements within the Berlin Process. Bytyqi said the Mediterranean is a region of the Sun and there are enormous capacities that can be used through the photovoltaics. “We see ourselves as a part of Europe. The continent is currently suffering from high energy prices, which makes the European industry less competitive compared to North America or other areas. This is a big chance for the Mediterranean as a natural partner,” underlined Bytyqi.