Bytyqi: Universal electricity supplier to be known in next 10 days
- The bids will be opened and evaluated today to determine if they meet the conditions. In relation to the tender for the universal electricity supplier, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi stated Friday that they are unaware of the potential applicants.

Skopje, 12 January 2024 (MIA) - The bids will be opened and evaluated today to determine if they meet the conditions. In relation to the tender for the universal electricity supplier, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi stated Friday that they are unaware of the potential applicants.
During the panel discussion on "The Economic Advantages of EU Integration for Companies and Citizens in North Macedonia," Bytyqi responded to journalist question, estimating that a reduced margin could result in lower electricity bills for the citizens.
“The opening of bids is scheduled for today, followed by an administrative check to assess compliance with the specified conditions by the applicants. The eligible candidates remain unknown. Subsequently, an auction will be arranged. It is expected that we will have more information within the next 10 days. The decreased margin included in the final price for end-users should contribute to cost reduction, and this is one of the proposed solutions,” Bytyqi noted, adding that through investments in renewable sources and the transition to "green energy," efforts are being made to ensure citizens benefit from lower electricity prices as end-users.
The Ministry of Economy informed MIA this morning that the deadline for submitting bids for the tender of a new universal supplier expires at 3:00 pm today. Subsequently, the evaluation commission will open the bids and assess whether they meet the specified conditions.
Photo: MIA archive and screenshot