• Monday, 22 July 2024

Business delegations from North Macedonia and Greece to meet in Thessaloniki

Business delegations from North Macedonia and Greece to meet in Thessaloniki

Athens, 22 April 2024 (MIA) – Business delegations from North Macedonia and Greece on June 13 in Thessaloniki will be examining opportunities for expanding and strengthening the countries’ economic cooperation, MIA reports from Athens.

The Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce announced it will host a delegation representing 18 businesses, led by the head of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia. They will hold B2B (business-to-business) meetings with Greek businesspeople to discuss ways to expand and open new cooperation. 

The companies from North Macedonia, set to travel to Thessaloniki, will include business officials from several fields, including trade, the industrial sector, hospitability, the energy sector, construction and the IT sector.

An open event on the perspectives to enhance the economic cooperation between Greece and North Macedonia is planned at the start of the meeting. 

The Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce has invited the Greek businesses interested in meeting with their Macedonian counterparts to apply by mid-May. 

Photo: MIA archive