• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Bulgarian Foreign Ministry encourages joint commission to continue its work more intensively

Bulgarian Foreign Ministry encourages joint commission to continue its work more intensively
Skopje, 15 August 2022 (MIA) - In a press release on Monday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria encouraged the joint multidisciplinary commission on historical and educational issues to continue more intensively with its efforts in order to complete its work for all periods of the common history in accordance with the Article 8, paragraph 2 of the 2017 Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation. In accordance with the arrangements of the protocol of the second meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission between Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia under Article 12 of the 2017 Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation, signed on July 17, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry published the protocol of the first meeting of the Commission, which was held on June 10, 2019. By signing the protocol in 2019, the governments of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia accepted the proposals of the Joint Multidisciplinary Expert Commission on Historical and Educational Issues for joint commemorations of the following personalities from the common history of the two countries: Ss. Cyril and Methodius, St. Clement, St. Naum, and Tsar Samoil. The two governments also accept general principles, and notes on the content of fifth grade textbooks in Bulgaria and sixth grade textbooks in the Republic of North Macedonia, reads the press release. In the bilateral protocol, signed in July, it was agreed that both sides would publish all the results of the work done by the Joint Multidisciplinary Expert Commission within one month. “Publishing the proposals for 2019 approved by the governments is an important step towards informing the public in both countries about the results of the Commission's work. In this way, the necessary basis is created to continue with the practical implementation of another agreement from the Protocol according to Article 12, July 12, 2022 – agreement on a calendar of joint celebrations for the period 2022-2023 for the five joint historical figures. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanks the joint multidisciplinary commission on historical and educational issues to continue more intensively with its efforts in order to complete its work for all periods of the common history in accordance with the Article 8, paragraph 2 of the 2017 Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation,” reads the press release.