Bochvarski: Active work underway on railway sections towards Bulgaria, action plan on Niš-Skopje high-speed rail in 30 days
- Active work is underway on the two railway sections towards Bulgaria. The project has the highest investment value since the country's independence, EUR 200 million, Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski said Monday. He told reporters that the tender for the third and most difficult section is expected to be announced by the end of the year.

Prilep, 20 November 2023 (MIA) - Active work is underway on the two railway sections towards Bulgaria. The project has the highest investment value since the country's independence, EUR 200 million, Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski said Monday. He told reporters that the tender for the third and most difficult section is expected to be announced by the end of the year.
"We concluded an agreement two years ago with one company, and then with another one for the second section of the railway to Bulgaria. Active work is underway on both sections. We expect the construction of the first section to end sometime at the end of next year, and work to continue on the second section, and of course, I expect the tender for the third and most difficult section to be announced by the end of this year because it is done in accordance with the EU IPA procedures, and we are in the final phase before the tender for the selection of the contractor and the third phase is announced. These are large projects that have a cost value of EUR 500 million to 600 million and their implementation takes time. But why those projects have not been implemented for 30 years is a question that should be asked to those who managed the institutions in the past," said Bochvarski during Monday's visit to Prilep.
As regards the Niš-Skopje high-speed rail, he said an action plan will be prepared within 30 days by working groups from the two countries.
"Regarding the high-speed railway, I can say that within 30 days, an action plan will be drafted by two working groups from both sides, which will specify the steps, procedures, and partly the ways of designing and synchronizing the entire project. In addition, we have already approved the law on borrowing for the construction of the joint Tabanovce railway border crossing that will be built on the Macedonian side, and will be shared by both sides. These are projects that really give a different picture, and I am convinced that in the coming years we will see their implementation and launch," said Bochvarski.
Photo: MIA archive and print screen