• Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Bislimoski: Energy crisis was motivation to initiate intense cycle of renewable energy source investments

Bislimoski: Energy crisis was motivation to initiate intense cycle of renewable energy source investments

Skopje, 5 October 2023 (MIA) - The energy crisis accelerated the pace of energy transition and investments into renewable sources, which helped reduce electricity prices for off-peak electricity hours and enabled households to use cheaper electricity during the day, President of the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Marko Bislimoski, told Thursday's trilateral meeting between the Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG), the Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), the ERC announced in a press release.


"The off-peak electricity hours will start back up in December, citizens will be able to use them between 1pm and 3pm, and 10pm-7am. Our country, like all of Europe, was faced with an energy crisis, yet it was motivation for everyone to initiate an intense cycle of investments in renewable energy source facilities. We called it the El Dorado of renewable source investments," Bislimoski said.


He pointed out that during the crisis the installed capacity in North Macedonia increased by 20 percent, and the fear of high bills proved to be a great motivator to start an intensive investment cycle, which resulted in a decrease in import dependence from the traditionally listed 30 percent electricity import, the percentage is now halved and stands at15 percent in the first few months of the year. 


"The next step is to redesign and increase the aid for vulnerable categories of citizens," Bislimoski noted.


MEDREG President Abdellatif Bardach, pointed out that it is necessary for countries to work on an inclusive energy approach to all customers, and for energy sector reforms to continue regardless of geopolitical developments.


The press release adds that Bislimoski presented an initiative for vulnerable categories of citizens to receive greater assistance for heat and electricity bills.


"Subsidies have significantly reduced electricity and heat bills, which benefits all citizens, but now we have to strengthen that mechanism for the vulnerable categories, so that they can receive greater financial help for the bills," Bislimoski stressed.


At the 35th parliamentary session, ERC became a full member of MEDREG, which brings together 27 countries belonging geographically to the Mediterranean region. ssh/nn/


Photo: ERC