• Saturday, 21 September 2024

Mickoski due to send nominations to Parliament, new gov't expected to be elected this weekend

Mickoski due to send nominations to Parliament, new gov't expected to be elected this weekend

Skopje, 18 June 2024 (MIA) – PM-designate Hristijan Mickoski is expected Tuesday to send to Parliament a motion on the government’s composition and program.

A new government is expected to be elected in the assembly this coming weekend. Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi is expected to schedule a session for the election of the new government on Saturday at 11 am. The session should be concluded by midnight on Sunday at the latest. 

Late on Sunday, the VMRO-DPMNE executive and central committee officially confirmed the names of the nominations for ministers from the Your Macedonia coalition. The next government will also include ministers from the Worth It coalition and ZNAM. The new cabinet from the Your Macedonia coalition will include 15 members, including three vice premier posts; Worth It coalition representatives are nominated to be at the helm of five ministries and one deputy premier post, whereas ZNAM party has nominated two ministers. 

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said he will fight to achieve strategic goals such as European Union membership and good relations with strategic partners. Addressing Monday's event titl

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said he will fight to achieve strategic goals such as European Union membership and good relations with strategic partners. Addressing Monday's event titled “34 years of VMRO-DPMNE, 131 years of VMRO, legacy, freedom, future, we continue” at the national theater in Veles, the PM-designate pointed out that the government they will create is committed to returning Macedonia to its rightful place as a prosperous, just and dynamic democracy.

"But we will not get lost on the way through unprincipled agreements harmful to the state. Our way out will be our work, our future will be our strength obtained from the will of the people," said Mickoski. 

Their main goal, he added, is to restore trust in state government institutions, eliminate corruption and ensure the rule of law. 

The VMRO-DPMNE leader said "many new and beautiful things are coming in the first hundred days" and promised relentless work for a common future.

Being a leader of a party committed to Macedonian national unity, Mickoski said, I’m giving an offer to SDSM to establish dialogue over all major issues concerning the country and of importance for the citizens.

“As long as the Albanian partners work according to the law in the interest of the country, they will be equal partners in the government,” Mickoski said warning that if anyone got caught in criminal agendas, they would be sanctioned, even those from his party. 

Јавното обвинителство итно и приоритетно да постапува по предметите што се во врска со одлуките и мерките за спречување на коронавирусот, препорака до сите работодавачи таму каде што е можно

The new government will have 20 ministries, four more than the ongoing cabinet, after the law on reorganizing state bodies was amended a week ago with a two third majority secured with several European Front lawmakers.

The Your Macedonia won 58 seats in Parliament in the May 8 elections, Worth It coalition won 14 and ZNAM six seats. 

MIA file photo