Bekteshi: Negotiating with neighboring countries over cheaper electricity for industry

Skopje, 23 September 2022 (MIA) – Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi says negotiations are ongoing with neighboring countries over securing cheaper electricity for the industry, while adding that businesses have maximum expectations.
“They want direct state subsidies in the amount of EUR 20 million for the top ten consumers,” Minister Bekteshi told Sitel TV.
According to him, this is illogical, because these ten largest electricity consumers have made enormous profits in recent years.
“These ten companies cannot expect EUR 20 million in subsidies for one month while making profits exceeding EUR 100 million in the previous year. The Budget funds belong to the citizens. Households and small businesses, which employ over 85 percent of all employees in the private sector, are our priority,” says Bekteshi.
Considering a possible electricity import from Bulgaria and Turkey, he says the Government was not late in the negotiations with neighbors, adding that an agreement would be signed with Serbia upon the return of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski from the United Nations General Assembly in New York.