• Sunday, 09 March 2025

All political forces to work together for EU future of North Macedonia, Pisonero tells MIA

All political forces to work together for EU future of North Macedonia, Pisonero tells MIA

Brussels, 26 July 2023 (MIA) – All political forces, including the opposition, need to work together for the EU future of North Macedonia, the European Commission told MIA after Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Issues adopted Tuesday the need to amend the Constitution, thereby beginning the process of constitutional amendments.


“North Macedonia has committed to amend its Constitution. This is a sovereign decision. Initial steps have been taken in this regard. The country provides a good example of a multi-ethnic society. Therefore, amending the Constitution will further advance fundamental rights. All political forces, including the opposition, need to work together for the EU future of North Macedonia,” the European Commission’s Spokesperson, Ana Pisonero, told MIA.


Regarding North Macedonia’s screening process with the EU, the Commission added that it is firmly on track and proceeding smoothly, while the screening reports for the Fundamentals Cluster have already been sent to the EU Council.

На барањето да коментира некои критики дека е омекнат тонот во извештаите од овогодинешниот пакет за проширување во однос на владеењето на правото, Писонеро рече дека „приоритетите на ЕУ во З

“As regards non-compliance of national legislation with EU norms and standards, the main objective of the screening exercise is to assess where gaps exist in domestic legislation including implementation and enforcement,” said Pisonero.


She noted that the holding of the first Intergovernmental Conference with North Macedonia in 2022 was a major breakthrough and marked the beginning of a new phase in the accession process.


“The Commission immediately launched the screening of the EU acquis, which is the first step in the negotiating process,” added Pisonero.

Photo: MIA Archive