VMRO-DPMNE to back Levica’s referendum initiative

Skopje, 16 September 2022 (MIA) – Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski said on Friday that his party VMRO-DPMNE will support Levica (The Left’s) referendum initiative.
In response to a reporter’s question following the visit of the city of Shtip alongside Mayor Ivan Jordanov, Mickoski once again reiterated that VMRO-DPMNE will not support any changes to the Constitution.
“We gave an initiative and you saw the way Talat Xhaferi rejected it. We will support any initiative that goes in favor of our demands, regardless of the group of citizens it comes from, whether this group will form a political party or not, should the topic concern what we’re looking for,” Mickoski said.
He believes that entering the whirlpool of initiatives causes a loss of what’s essential.
“The essential thing is stopping this assimilatory treaty from damaging the identity of the Macedonian people and the changes to the Constitution are the exact opening that this assimilation needs. The VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group will not support any changes to the Constitution, you can be sure of that, even now when it’s the opposition, but also in the future, when it forms the future government. The next VMRO-DPMNE-led government is ready to sit down with the government in Sofia, to renegotiate these, what we believe to be, assimilatory circumstances, blocking Macedonia’s road to a full-fledged EU membership, not helping whatsoever with achieving a true good-neighborly agreement that will truly improve the current catastrophically low relations between the two countries and peoples,” Mickoski said. dk/ba/