VMRO-DPMNE MP Micevski: Parliament blockade begins on Tuesday

Skopje, 9 May 2022 (MIA) - Nikola Micevski, coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group, has announced that the decision for an active blockade of Parliament was approved after a meeting on Monday held between VMRO-DPMNE and the Renewal of Macedonia Coalition.
Micevski pointed out that the blockade starts on Tuesday (May 10) and will involve a "disruption of harmful laws and policies", and that this is a process which will "likely last until the current government falls and until snap elections are held."
“We’re ready to pull out all the stops because we can and must ensure the citizens’ future,” Micevski said in front of the party’s headquarters in Skopje.
The decision for an active Parliament blockade, already approved by VMRO-DPMNE’s Executive Committee, was ‘unanimously accepted’ at Monday’s meeting.
Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski attended the coordinating meeting as well. dk/ba/