• Thursday, 03 October 2024

Trenchevska-Koja: Support of OSCE Mission important for realization of initiated and new projects

Trenchevska-Koja: Support of OSCE Mission important for realization of initiated and new projects
Skopje, 18 February 2022 (MIA) – Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska met Friday with Clemens Koja, Head of OSCE Mission to Skopje, discussing gender equality, non-discrimination, Roma inclusion, public administration capacity. Minister Trenchevska said cooperation with OSCE is very significant in the implementation of projects, expecting it to continue, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy said in a press release. One of my priorities in 2022 is to adopt the Law on Gender Equality. The working group will improve the text so that we successfully implement the law. We will strengthen capacities of women in the public administration, so they can cope with the challenges in operations and acquire skills in order to assume higher positions in administration. The new law on budgets makes the initial steps for more visible gender equality, since the gender component will be incorporated when drafting strategic documents,” said Trenchevska. OSCE’s Koja expressed support for the laws that are to be adopted in the coming period. Discussions also tackled the process of registration of persons without personal identification documents, most commonly of the Roma community, as well as the Roma Inclusion Strategy 2022-2030. Interlocutors voiced readiness for further cooperation in all segments in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy towards protecting citizens and their social-economic rights, reads the press release.