• Thursday, 06 March 2025

SSO: Census activities slow down due to technical harmonization

SSO: Census activities slow down due to technical harmonization
Skopje, 10 September 2021 (MIA) – Census activities are underway, but they have slowed down so that technical harmonization can be completed as soon as possible, the State Statistical Office said in a press release on Friday. Activities for overcoming technical difficulties that appeared in the past few days, when the counting was faster, the press release read, are being dealt with. “Technical interventions in the census app software dictate the speed with which the census is conducted and resolving technical issue in the app has slowed the process down. The tech support team is working on overcoming issues and census takers will soon be able to resume activities,” the release underlined. Moreover, the SSO said that in the past few days its websites have been under constant attacks and therefore have been unavailable at certain times. “Websites have a high level of protection and data are protected at multiple levels in line with the highest IT standards,” stressed the release. The SSO called on the public to show understanding over technical difficulties, which are not unusual when it comes to mass operations requiring advanced technologies and reiterated that the census will be successfully conducted by September 30.
