• Saturday, 19 October 2024

Spasovski: Motion on gov't program has no clear plan for economy and strategic goals

Spasovski: Motion on gov't program has no clear plan for economy and strategic goals

Skopje, 18 June 2024 (MIA) - Coordinator of SDSM's parliamentary group, Oliver Spasovski, believes that the motion on the government’s composition and program has no clear plan in terms of the economy and strategic interests. In a statement to the media on Tuesday, Spasovski said that the personnel potential the new government offers does not correspond to people's expectations.

"Looking at the submitted motion on the new government's composition, it can be said that moving in the direction of making big promises continues, raising the expectations of citizens in vain," Spasovski said.

According to him, there is no clear plan in terms of the economy.

"There is no clear plan in terms of the economy. How and in what way will the minimum wage be protected? How will the average wage in the country grow? There is no detailed plan on how pensions will grow, nor on the system that guarantees pension growth. How will price hikes be prevented, and what will be done in terms of the healthcare system as one of the key segments. Unfortunately, it is neither clear how our strategic interest - EU membership, will be achieved, there are only declarations," Spasovski noted.

The personnel potential offered, according to him, is not able to respond to people's expectations, nor the promises made during the election period.

"On the one hand, this is a government composed of personnel that created policies during VMRO-DPMNE's regime until 2017, not able to offer anything new or better than what they did then. On the other hand, there is personnel that has not held any posts, and we can't tell how they will work. VMRO-DPMNE itself as an opposition once had very negative opinions about some of the personnel proposed now. Do you remember the statements about the candidate for minister of health? This once again confirms that there is no reality in the promises made. At the session for the election of the Government we will analyze the program in detail and debate with facts and arguments" Spasovski said. ssh/nn/

Photo and video: SDSM