• Thursday, 26 September 2024
SEC: Voter turnout 34.22% by 3 pm
Skopje, 31 October 2021 (MIA) – Election Day is peaceful nationwide and no issues have been reported with the fingerprint scanners, State Election Commission (SEC) President Aleksandar Dashtevski told a press conference. Voter turnout is 34.22% by 3 pm. According to him, voter turnout in the municipality of Vevchani is 66.54%, followed by Rankovce – 60.15%, Demir Kapija – 58.18%, Konche – 58.1%, Demir Hisar – 55.3%, Pehchevo – 52.93%, Debar – 51.48% and Lozovo – 51.1%. Turnout is lowest in Saraj – 16.38%, Dashtevski added. The SEC head urged citizens to exercise their right to vote by 7 pm and underlined hope that Election Day will remain peaceful. He also told reporters that the SEC has received 311 complaints so far, of which 268 have been accepted, 25 have been rejected, and 18 were for voters registered in electoral roll. “No irregularities and issues have been reported with fingerprint scanners,” Dashtevski told the regular press briefing.