• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Saraj-based modern cable manufacturer employs 30 workers

Saraj-based modern cable manufacturer employs 30 workers
Skopje, 16 September 2021 (MIA) – Economic activity in the country is growing amid pandemic-related conditions and private investments confirm the trust we’re building with the business community and recognize the predictable, stable business environment favorable for investing, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Thursday after visiting the One Cable plant in Skopje’s Saraj industrial zone, where cables are manufactured. One Cable, Zaev said, is a EUR three-million investment that currently employs 30 highly qualified workers. According to him, One Cable has been investing in modern cable production for the domestic market as well as for exports as the company’s products are already being sold in several countries abroad. “We keep on being dedicated to hard work and good economic policies. Investments, job creation and rising salaries change people’s lives. One Cable was encouraged to invest because the government offers its support,” the PM stressed. Promoting the investment, Zaev was joined by First Deputy PM Artan Grubi, Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi, Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi and the mayors of the City of Skopje and Saraj, Petre Shilegov and Blerim Bexheti respectively. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti was also in attendance and addressed the event. One Cable uses state-of-the-art technology to manufacture copper cables and PVC granules.