• Sunday, 09 February 2025

PM Mickoski says EC Progress Report a realistic representation, country not backing down from reforms

PM Mickoski says EC Progress Report a realistic representation, country not backing down from reforms

Skopje, 30 October 2024 (MIA) - The country will not back down from reforms and although citizens are tired from the process and we are still unjustly put in the EU waiting room, Union membership remains our only strategic objective, said Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski after receiving copies of the 2024 European Commission Progress Report on North Macedonia from EU Ambassador Michalis Rokas on Wednesday.

PM Mickoski told a joint press conference with Ambassador Rokas that the Report is a realistic representation of the situation in the country, including the fight against corruption, while adding that the new Government is changing things.

The PM noted that the EC Report relates to the period between September 2023 and September 2024, when three governments changed in the country - the previous one, a caretaker cabinet and the new one

"We must realistically discuss the common challenges we have ahead of us. I will not say that we have made miracles over the past couple of months. Even without this report, I am aware that people have a difficult life and we need big steps forward, key reforms and what is most important for me - fight against corruption. Nevertheless, it is good when one gets an assessment and a realistic representation of the situation and the country's readiness to reach European standards, as well as the accomplishments over the past year. Good or certain progress has been detected in some areas, limited or insufficient in others," said Mickoski.

The PM said he is encouraged by the fact that even during this short period, the European Commission has acknowledged the Government's efforts to counter corruption, which was not the case with the previous report.

"As in previous years, the biggest shortcomings relate to the Fundamentals cluster, namely judiciary and public administration reform. Our predecessors should have and must have done more, but we have to overcome political bickering and focus on what we can do together," said Mickoski.

He added there is no time to waste and a lot of work lies ahead, because reforms and the European path are long-term and comprehensive.

"Therefore, I assure you that the Government is committed to improving the situation in all sectors, especially in those fields where shortcomings are highlighted. In order to do this, we need engagement from all branches of power, the administration, the private sector, the civil society, the academic community etc," said Mickoski.

According to him, there is no backing down from reforms, since this is the only way to improve citizens' lives and strengthen the country's case on the EU membership path.

"Not only for the sake of meeting the requirements but for the sake of European transformation in the real sense of the word. This is our obligation so that we secure a better today for us and a better future for the coming generations. I am aware that citizens are tired from the process and that we are still unjustly put in the EU waiting room, but Union membership remains our only strategic objective," said Mickoski.

Ambassador Rokas said it is important that the Report notes there is no backtracking, adding they would commit to greater progress along with the Government.

"The report comes at a good time, only a week after the European Commission adopted the Reform Agenda and the visit of EC President Ursula von der Leyen. We now have a full picture of what the Government has approved and the Progress Report. This can serve as a platform on which we can work together in the coming year. The PM was right in saying that the report covers a period of three governments and it notes progress in some areas. The important thing is there is no backtracking. We will work hand in hand so that we can have much more progress in a year from now," said Rokas.

Photo: Government