• Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Petrovska welcomes US Senate Delegation to Ministry of Defense

Petrovska welcomes US Senate Delegation to Ministry of Defense

Skopje, 5 May 2023 (MIA) — Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska welcomed a US Congress Delegation led by Congressman Vern Buchanan to the Ministry of Defense on Friday to discuss the strategic partnership between North Macedonia and the United States, according to an official press release.


Meeting participants also talked about the excellent bilateral defense relations, regional and global security, as well as the Russian aggression against independent and sovereign Ukraine, the release says.


It notes that North Macedonia is a committed ally to the US, and bilateral cooperation through the strategic dialogue between the countries is stronger than ever.



"Our strategic partnership and friendship with the USA and our investment in equipping the Army make it possible for us to implement our plan of modernizing the Army and fulfill NATO's capability targets," Minister Petrovska is cited as saying in the press release.


US support in 2022 reached almost 50 percent of the national defense budget, "which is another confirmation of the strategic partner's long-term, unwavering support for the stability of the Republic of North Macedonia," the release adds.


Petrovska thanked the US Senate Deletation for the assistance that has made the Army even stronger, more capable and better equipped.



Discussing the security situation, the defense minister stressed that North Macedonia had strongly condemned Russia's war against Ukraine from the very beginning.


"From the outset, North Macedonia was clear and vocal that the agression completely violates international law and order and that it must stop. At the same time, we made a series of decisions in support of Ukraine, which has the right to defend its territory and its people," Petrovska said.


Congressman Buchanan, on behalf of the delegation, welcomed North Macedonia's continued support to the defense of Ukraine against Russia's aggression. He also expressed support for the strong partnership and alliance between North Macedonia and the US. mr/