• Friday, 04 October 2024

Parliament adopts Law on National Development Strategy

Parliament adopts Law on National Development Strategy

Skopje, 6 February 2024 (MIA) – At a session Tuesday, Parliament voted to adopt the Law on National Development Strategy with 62 votes in favor and in a fast-track procedure.


During the discussion, VMRO-DPMNE’s MP Nikola Micevski noted that the draft Law on National Development Strategy is of special importance for the country and the future of Macedonian citizens.


Micevski said the adoption of the legislation would pave the way for the adoption of the National Development Strategy as the hierarchically highest long-term strategic document for the country’s development.


The Strategy represents a comprehensive document for the country’s economic, social, environmental and cultural development which aims to ensure a positive environment for national consensus and long-term development priorities, he said.


The draft law was put forward by MPs Arber Ademi, Atnan Neziri, Dime Velkovski, Jovan Mitrevski, Ljupcho Prendzhov and Nikola Micevski.


Photo: Printscreen