• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Orange alert in Gevgelija, Bogdanci, Valandovo and Dojran on Tuesday, gov't issues recommendations

Orange alert in Gevgelija, Bogdanci, Valandovo and Dojran on Tuesday, gov't issues recommendations

Skopje, 10 June 2024 (MIA) - Gevgelija, Bogdanci, Valandovo and Dojran will be under orange alert on June 11-12 due to high temperatures, prompting the Government to hold a session on Monday and issue recommendations at the request of the Ministry of Health.

The Government recommends exemption of most at-risk groups from work, such as pregnant women and persons over the age of 60; children in kindergartens to stay indoors between 11:00-17:00h; local self-government units, the Red Cross and social work centers to have a proactive approach and provide assistance to elderly persons and homeless; considering that certain risk products and technological processes can pose a health risk to exposed workers, employers are reminded on their duty to observe regulations in the field.

Citizens are advised to spend as much time in air-conditioned spaces and take lots of breaks in the shade if they have to spend time outside, as well as wear light clothing, sunglasses and hats to avoid direct sun exposure. Wearing sunscreen with a high SPF, eating less and mostly fruits and vegetables, drinking water and avoiding alcoholic beverages is also recommended. Before driving in the heat, vehicles have to be aired out. Due to the heat wave, there’s also an increased risk of food poisoning. Authorities urge people to wash thoroughly fruits and vegetables before eating and cook all other foods.

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