• Sunday, 23 February 2025

MoI Spasovski meets IOM Director General Vitorino

MoI Spasovski meets IOM Director General Vitorino
Skopje, 10 November 2022 (MIA) – As part of a working visit to Geneva, a high delegation led by Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski met with Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), António Vitorino.   “Spasovski thanked IOM Director General António Vitorino, as well as IOM representatives who are at the Macedonian-Greek border, in the Temporary Center for Migrants, where they participate in the implementation of daily activities, providing support and assistance to migrants,” the Ministry of Interior said in a press release.   Spasovski, adds the press release, said the security situation at the state borders is currently assessed as stable, and without significant changes compared to the past period.   The Minister stressed that for those reasons, particular attention is paid to early detection and prevention of attempts at illegal border crossing, prevention of migrant smuggling, suppression of criminal groups that carry out smuggling, identification of potential victims of human trafficking and vulnerable categories of persons among migrants.   “National measures are clearly not enough to deal with increased movement, but continuation and further strengthening of the joint approach of the countries concerned, which will include operational cooperation, support in strengthening national capacities, as well as cooperation with the countries of origin. In this sense, our main priorities include deepening and maintenance of international cooperation - with countries in the region, with countries of transit and origin, with EU agencies (particularly Frontex, Europol, EASO), with the United Nations (IOM, UNHCR), as well as relevant international organizations (OSCE, ICMPD, DCAF),” Spasovski said.   IOM Director General Vitorino expressed particular respect to Minister Spasovski for the opportunity to hold Monday's meeting and expressed his sincere gratitude for the efforts of the Ministry of Interior and the Government for the implemented joint projects, voicing assurance that the organization will continue support in the strengthening of national capacities in the future.   “Minister Spasovski said he is particularly glad that in the period November 15-16, 2022, Skopje will host the "Ministerial Conference on Sustainable Migration Management in the Western Balkans", organized by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic with the support of IOM - the International Organization for Migration. The aim of the conference will be to cover all topics that affect Western Balkan countries and the international organizations that will take part and, at the same time, create a better synergy between the countries to deal with migration,” the press release reads.