• Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Mitsotakis - Mickoski meeting not planned, bilateral encounters to take place on NATO summit sidelines: Greek gov't spokesperson

Mitsotakis - Mickoski meeting not planned, bilateral encounters to take place on NATO summit sidelines: Greek gov't spokesperson

Athens, 8 July 2024 (MIA) - A meeting is not planned but the PM could have bilateral encounters on the NATO summit sidelines, said Greek Government Spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis when asked by MIA if countries' Prime Ministers Hristijan Mickoski and Kyriakos Mitsotakis would meet during the Alliance summit in Washington.

"No, a meeting is not planned, but the PM could have bilateral encounters on the sidelines of the NATO summit," said Marinakis.

According to the official agendas of Mickoski and Mitsotakis, they will take part at the NATO Summit and attend a White House dinner hosted by United States President Joe Biden.

Marinakis told a regular press briefing on Monday that the Greek PM would raise the issue of the Prespa Agreement observance "at the highest level", similar to what PM Mitsotakis has said recently.

Претседателот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и мандатар за состав на нова влада, Христијан Мицкоски денеска истакна дека како човек, кој ќе ја предводи владата е обврзан да ги почитува Уставот и законите, оти

Marinakis said ratified agreements must be implemented "but we do not see this being done by the other side", while adding there has been a series of statements by the Macedonian side that violate the accord.

"He will raise the issue at the highest level. He will mention the Agreement that is not observed, especially the erga omnes use of the name. He will refer to a series of statements that go against the Prespa Agreement and what has been ratified by both countries. North Macedonia's NATO membership came as a result of this Agreement but our neighboring country fails to respect even the first page of the treaty. Therefore, it goes without saying that PM Mitsotakis will raise the issue," said Marinakis.

Photo: MIA