• Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Mitreski – Grigoryan: Concrete support for adoption of National Development Strategy

Mitreski – Grigoryan: Concrete support for adoption of National Development Strategy

Skopje, 5 February 2024 (MIA) – Parliament Speaker Jovan Mitreski held a meeting Monday with Armen Grigoryan, the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to North Macedonia. At the meeting, they spoke about further improvement of cooperation, as well as Parliament’s support for the adoption and implementation of the National Development Strategy 2023-2043, said Parliament in a press release.



Mitreski informed the UNDP representatives that Parliament’s Legislative Committee will review the draft law on the National Development Strategy as early as this week, paving the way for the realization of the processes that follow. Afterwards, the continuation of the plenary session for the adoption of the law will be scheduled as soon as possible, said Mitreski at the meeting.


According to Parliament, the Speaker stressed that he expects Parliament to complete all tasks related to the adoption of the National Development and the beginning of its realization by the end of its mandate.



Congratulating him on his new post, UNDP Representative Grigoryan thanked Speaker Mitreski for the cooperation thus far, and his personal contribution as a Member of Parliament and a coordinator in the creation of the Strategy.


According to the press release, Grigoryan also noted that he expects cooperation with all entities in Parliament to continue in the coming period, as well as with all other institutions in the country, in order to guarantee the sustainability of the National Development Strategy over the period of 20 years.


Photo: Parliament of North Macedonia