• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

MEP Kyuchyuk calls for swift opening of EU talks with North Macedonia

MEP Kyuchyuk calls for swift opening of EU talks with North Macedonia
Strasbourg, 23 February 2022 (MIA) – MEP Ilhan Kychyuk, who also serves as European Parliament’s rapporteur for North Macedonia, in his latest report once again calls for swift opening of accession negotiation with North Macedonia and welcomes the political encouragement of the renewed dialogue between Sofia and Skopje, MIA’s Strasbourg correspondent reports. Highlighting the need for resuming the momentum and credibility of European integration, the EP rapporteur seeks swift opening of accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia after the two countries had met the necessary conditions and delivered sustainable results in the main areas. MEP Kyuchyuk bases his recommendation of swift opening of accession talks on the fact that, in his opinion, European integration represents the aspirations of the citizens of North Macedonia toward democracy and prosperity all the while serving as powerful catalyst for reforms. In Kyuchyk’s report, North Macedonia’s consistent progress is welcomed on the path to EU membership, as well as the country’s commitment to multiculturalism and interethnic harmony and its continuous positive bilateral engagement. Also, he calls on North Macedonia to maintain and intensify efforts aimed at strengthening rule of law and independence of the judiciary, fight against corruption, public administration reforms and consolidation of freedom of the media. The report also underscores the need for further improvement of the right to self-identification, inclusive intercultural education, rights of people with disability and the rights of minority communities. Relevant bodies are urged in the report to prevent and prosecute all hate speech cases, hate crimes, to investigate related attacks and to make sure their targets are safe, including journalists, members of minority groups and other vulnerable groups. Furthermore, MEP Kyuchyuk welcomes North Macedonia’s continuous commitment to Euro-Atlantic security, the country’s increased alignment with the foreign, security and defence policy of the EU and urges the country to align with the restrictive measures related to Russia. Also, North Macedonia’s continuous contribution to EU-led missions and operations is welcomed. The EP rapporteur for North Macedonia commends the ongoing process of historic reconciliation with the neighboring countries and encourages the partners to accelerate the engagement with good will in order an acceptable compromise to be made. After debating the report on February 28 at the Foreign Affairs Committee, MEPs until March 8 can file amendments before it is returned to the Foreign Affairs Committee. MEPs will vote for the report at a plenary session of the European Parliament.