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Macedonian-Polish business forum: Immunization, cooperation, investments in future development for economic post-covid recovery

Macedonian-Polish business forum: Immunization, cooperation, investments in future development for economic post-covid recovery
Skopje, 19 November 2021 (MIA) – Energy, mining, tourism, agriculture and environment are the sectors that have a large potential for intensive cooperation between Poland and North Macedonia. Both countries have no open issues and their good political relations represent an excellent foundation for strengthening of business cooperation, heard a Macedonian-Polish business forum on Friday. Countries’ Presidents Stevo Pendarovski and Andrzej Duda delivered the opening remarks at the forum, which resulted in the signing of a memorandum of understanding towards enhancing business cooperation and stimulation of investments. “We have traditionally good relations with Poland and the Polish people, and there are no open bilateral issues only open opportunities. We should not wait for better times to start cooperating, better times will come only if we start to cooperate now,” said Pendarovski. He urged businessmen to use the MoU and focus on achieving its objectives. “I am pleased that some important Polish companies have already made a breakthrough on the Macedonian market. Today we will make another significant step in this regard. The MoU will ensure increased dynamics in cooperation and I expect the countries’ business communities to seize this opportunity,” said Pendarovski. According to him, the cooperation can also have a regional component, considering that Poland is a member of the Visegrad Group and the Three Seas Initiative, while North Macedonia is part of Open Balkan. “Our countries can serve as a channel for distribution of products and services at markets that are part of these regional initiatives,” noted Pendarovski. On the covid-pandemic, the President said immunization, cooperation and investments in future development are the three key factors affecting the post-recovery of national economies. “Countries investing in human capital make the pandemic overcoming easier, have faster economic growth and higher drop of unemployment and poverty, with Poland being a positive European example of this,” said Pendarovski. Polish President Duda said North Macedonia offered excellent investment opportunities and the potential for intensification of bilateral cooperation is enormous. This is confirmed by the rise in bilateral exchange in recent year, especially in the peak of the covid-crisis in 2020. “I am happy over the quality of economic relations. Our exchange is on the rise but I see great potential for strengthening of cooperation. Last year’s exchange stood at EUR 397 million, a 5.3-percent increase compared to 2019. This points to the enormous potential in our relations and it would be a shame if we don’t make use of this,” said Duda. He added that the Macedonian economy is the most competitive in the region. “North Macedonia is the perfect place for foreign investments considering the stimulations and large support. The investment support programme encompasses direct subsidies, tax breaks and access to infrastructure,” said Duda while noting that energy, mining, tourism, agriculture and environment are sectors with the largest potential for cooperation. He said Poland and North Macedonia face common challenges, especially with regards to energy transformation, an EU requirement that must be met.