Ljutkov: Trans Dinarica cycle route to facilitate sustainable tourism, regional cooperation, investments
- The Trans Dinarica cycle route, an initiative that promises to transform sustainable tourism in the Western Balkans by showcasing the region's picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage, was promoted Wednesday in Skopje in the presence of Minister of Culture and Tourism Zoran Ljutkov and Swedish Ambassador Ami Larsson Jain.

Skopje, 4 September 2024 (MIA) — The Trans Dinarica cycle route, an initiative that promises to transform sustainable tourism in the Western Balkans by showcasing the region's picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage, was promoted Wednesday in Skopje in the presence of Minister of Culture and Tourism Zoran Ljutkov and Swedish Ambassador Ami Larsson Jain.
Minister Ljutkov said that the 5,000 km cycle route, with 605 km passing thorough North Macedonia. would offer access to beautiful landscapes, different traditions, cuisine, and regional stories. Visitors would be provided with detailed digital navigation and be able to pass through UNESCO sites, villages, and national parks for the first time, he said.
"This project reaffirms the need for long-term cooperation, networking, and promoting the different culture and tourist potentials of this part of Europe. Promoting the Western Balkans as a tourist offer will ensure sustainable tourism and regional cooperation, economic and social prosperity, and open the path to additional strategic investments," Ljutkov said.
"The Ministry of Culture and Tourism considers this project an excellent opportunity for promoting recreational tourism, historical sites, natural beauty, and various experiences of the places the route covers, but also for strengthening the local economy, creating employment opportunities, and encouraging cultural exchange," he added.
Ljutkov said that for the first time since the country's independence, the Government had a Ministry of Culture and Tourism, integrating the culture sector into the tourism sector because tourism understood the importance of promoting cultural and natural heritage as a factor in the development and growth of the national economy.
"We are a small country with a lot to offer, and this route will enrich the tourist offer. I believe that Macedonian tourism, as well as tourism in the Western Balkans, has a bright and united future," Ljutkov said and expressed readiness to support the route's potential and its future development.
Ambassador Ami Larsson Jain expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative, assessing that this project represented an important step in the collective efforts to foster sustainable rural growth and promote the tourism industry of this dynamic region.
"The Trans Dinarica route is not only important for tourism but also empowerment and opportunities. By focusing on young people and women in rural areas, we help stimulate tourist activities that will generate new employment opportunities and additional income. This initiative is a testimony of the power of cooperation and joint vision for a brighter future in the Western Balkans," Larsson Jain stressed.
Paulo Rodrigues, Program Manager of RECONOMY program, also addressed the event, highlighting the initiative’s transformative role in the region and adding that Trans Dinarica was more than a cycle route. He said it was a journey that connected people to the heart and soul of the Western Balkans.
"This route is a bridge between different cultures, joint history, and collective future. It symbolizes the potential that emerges when communities, governments, international partners, and private sector unite with one goal in mind: to promote sustainable development, encourage inclusion and economic growth in rural areas," Rodrigues stressed.
The official tour operator GoodPlace presented the Trans Dinarica cycle route and the accompanying digital navigation app.
Trans Dinarica is recognized by over 100 international media hubs, including Lonely Planet, CNN, and the Guardian, and has been awarded the "Best in travel 2024" badge.
According to RECONOMY programme management, the route is expected to generate EUR 15 million in direct economic influence in the span of three years and create over 3,000 employment opportunities, significantly strengthening local economies in rural areas along the route.
By uniting the public and private sector, local communities and international partners, the project aims to position the Western Balkans as a leading destination in green tourism. ss/mr
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