Kovachevski – Skoog: North Macedonia remains focused on strategic goal of joining EU
- Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, as part of his working visit to the United States, met Thursday with Olof Skoog, Ambassador of the European Union to the United Nations.
- Post By Magdalena Reed
- 20:27, 4 May, 2023

Skopje, 4 May 2023 (MIA) — Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, as part of his working visit to the United States, met Thursday with Olof Skoog, Ambassador of the European Union to the United Nations.
Kovachevski and Skoog discussed the European integration of North Macedonia as well as the dynamics of EU enlargement, which also benefits the bloc, with the Western Balkans implementing reforms to contribute to European security and stability, according to an official press release.
"Prime Minister Kovachevski stressed that it was the right moment to speed up EU integrations," the release says.
He also pointed out that North Macedonia remained committed to fulfilling its strategic goal of full membership in the EU while also carrying out reforms in the country.
Skoog reiterated the EU's support in the process and agreed that now was the right time to speed up European integration, given the strong polarization of the world amid geopolitical turmoil and third-party influences, the release says. mr/